Thursday, September 22, 2016

Perjalanan selepas habis degree

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera kepada semua.

Kepada yang dah habis degree, mesti confuse kan samada nak sambung master ataupun nak bekerja dulu. Yang penting, master ada 2 intake setiap tahun, bulan 2 dan bulan 9. Tapi untuk setiap intake tu, deadline dia 3 bulan sebelum intake. Contohnya, deadline untuk intake bulan 2 ialah bulan 11 tahun sebelum tu. Kalau tak faham lagi, korang boleh la start Google pasal info master ni.

Option terakhir bagi aku ialah, kau apply je dua-dua, kalau memang tak dapat offer kerja, offer master tu kau ambik dan sambung. Bagi yang dah dapat kerja tu, fikir masak-masak la nak kerja or sambung master dulu. Tapi, keputusan untuk pilih tu susah sebab ekonomi makin merudum. Nak kerja, tapi biasanya selalu tak relate dengan course ambik. Maybe employer cut cost nak hire orang yang fresh graduate kut, tu yang tipis je peluang kerja. Tapi, kalau sambung belajar, kena buat pinjaman pembelajaran lagi. Biasiswa MyBrain tu kan ada, try la apply.At least, ada sumber untuk bayar kos pengajian.

Apapun, even aku pun masih taktau patut ambil yang mana. Last sekali, solat istikharah la bagi yang Muslim. Sekian.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Time's change

Peace upon uolls 

It's 2016, and it's my first post wow :O
It's been so long since I write up in this blog...

Just want to look back at how I started blogging,
How I always changing my URL website,
It looks like I'm no longer interested in blogging.

Since 2008 I think, when I started to blog,
I write about my excitement when hanging out with my friends,
My problem or something that I feel better once I wrote it down,
I feel refreshed when I remember the younger me when I first started to blog.

I started due to my friend, and I encouraged my other friend to start blogging too...
Since I always saw the news hacker everywhere, so I started to shut down my old blog and start a fresh,
Just thinking, "I've never been hacked, why I bother to make a new one?'
The 'me' before was so complicated and really cautious in privacy stuff, "me think"

Time change, where there is Instagram, Snapchat , where you can share pictures or video when you are having fun, hanging out, without writing a paragraph about what are you doing.

So my point is that, blogging is no longer popular as many people interested in new apps. But, to those who is still blogging, I do respect you. But in a bright side, blogging does help in your writing improvement,

I guess this is goodbye for now. I just had some time to update as life got harder, busier as you grow up.

Be strong and good luck in your future life.
